Well after watching game 4 of the world series and having to go through another shotty play by Murphy is.....I dunno I can't even put it into words. Then add to it the blunder on the bases by Cespedes in the bottom of the 9th just is even more perplexing.
At the beginning of the year my buddies all submit who we think are going to be the division champs, wild cards, Rookie of Year, etc. I was tempted to put the Mets down as one of the Wild Card teams, but still said they were a year away from the post season. Well they fooled me and everyone by winning the division due to the Nationals collapsing. This World Series has been close with the Mets blowing leads in the 1st and 4th game of the series. I know Murphy batted us through the division and championship series, but as last night showed his defense can be susceptible at times which showed its ugly head last night at the worst time. I figure they'll make him a qualifying offer being hes a free agent at the end of season just to get a draft pick in return. Tyler Clippard also has been shaky the last month or so in his relief appearances and that is another BIG question mark going forward with this team. Starting pitching they are sound with 4 young arms and with Wheeler coming back from Tommy John have a 5th so I'm curious to see what wheeling and dealing they do this off season cause they have some young talent to make a run for the next couple of years if they can acquire some key pieces.
Enough of my rant as an upset Mets fan after that game.
Well Matt Harvey takes the mound in game 5. Its put up time for him being he said he'd pitch in the post season and didn't have that spectacular of a game 1 so lets see how he rebounds on 5 days rest. Well if you read my previous 2 posts you'd see how I kept mentioning history repeating itself of the 1986 World Series. Well the score didn't show this time, but the a Mets player did hit 2 home runs in last nights game and in 1986. The last team to overcome a 3-1 deficit was the Royals back in 1985 lets see if the Mets can give them a taste of their own medicine and do the same to them. Interesting tidbit is that the next 3 Mets pitcher are Harvey, deGrom, and Syndergaard have won 3 in a row this season 8 different times so lets see if they can make it 9 and seal it with a ring.
The card I chose for this post is a card in waiting, as in a redemption card. I long wanted an auto of his and couldn't bring myself to spend what the going rate was on eBay. So, I went the redemption card route cause it was a gamble I was willing to take for the price that I got it for. You can probably guess who the player is by the title or maybe by some of the reference in this post. If not the player I am referring to is Matt Harvey and the card in waiting is from this years High Tek and a Tidal parallel /99. Hopefully he comes thru being he hasn't signed in about a year or 2. I was going for a book auto of him and Wheeler but the guy wouldn't come down enough on a Panini redemption where I felt comfortable. SO here is a photo of the redemption until I get the actual card in hand.
Well another hobby or craft the I enjoy is beer. Nothing like baseball and some beer. As I write this I am currently drink an Oskar Blues IPA which is quite refreshing. I know Matt over at Bob Walk touched on this briefly in a post or two of his. Being located in WV the craft beer selection has definitely improved in the past year or so with the amount of selections due to the state increasing its alcohol limit on beer. Well being from NJ I always picked up a bunch of beer whenever I head their to visit family or ask family to pick some up if they were coming in for a visit. Well I plan on chugging all 6 of these if the Mets win the Series. Yes that is a 6 pack of Dog Fish 120 which comes in about 18-20 percent ABV.
Well stayed tuned for the aftermath and more beer and baseball posts in the future
LETS GO METS!!!! and in the words of Tug McGraw YA GOTTA BELIEVE!!!
All Things New York Mets

Sunday, November 1, 2015
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Lets Go Mets and Ya Gotta Believe!!!!
Well Game of 3 of the World Series the Mets bats finally awoke with some power and hits, but the first pitch drew some controversy of its how in being head high just off the plate. First David Wright went yard in his first at bat for a 2 run shot and then later in the game Curtis Granderson hit a run shot of his own after Noah Syndergaard singled. After the first two innings I thought it was all going to be downhill in KC's favor, but somehow Syndergaard pitched well up until the 6th inning where he pitched himself out of a bases loaded jam. Well I'm a firm believer that history repeats itself, but more on that later towards the end of the post.
The first pitch of the game by Syndergaard was a head high heater a bit inside but not directly at Escobar. The Royals took offense instantly to the pitch being Syndergaard said earlier he had a game plan. Then he followed up with a curveball down and away. Hosmer said "When one of your teammates gets [a pitch] thrown at his head, it's not going to go over well, I think everyone was upset about it. It's the only location he missed all night by that far. No one in here is stupid. Everyone knows what was said, and everybody knows what was done." Now I guess the Royals have another team to be pissed off at they can add to their list. Here is the pitch location so the Royals can get their panties out of a bunch and wonder what your opinions are of the pitch. From the chart below it looks like it may have touched the front edge of the batters box. I was fine with the pitch it wasn't directly at his head or ear it was above his head and thought it was just good ol baseball being Escobar has been swinging and hitting every first pitch pretty much. Syndergaards reaction after the game from hearing the Royals didn't like me was priceless. It was pretty much if they don't like it they know where to find me and thats 60'6" from the plate. He also admitted he had no intentions of hitting Escobar in his post game press conference.
The interesting thing is that the Mets open up 2016 in Kansas City for 2 games so I'm sure there will be some sort of retaliation at that time being Hosmer said they'll just file this incident away till a later time being they're trying to win a championship.
Well if you read my last post you would have known that the Mets have lost the first 2 games of the series by the same exact margin as the 1986 Mets who won the Series in 7 games. Well game 3 showed that history does repeat itself and the Mets won game 3 in 1986 and this year by 6 runs. So far every game this year has had the winning margin the same as 1986 with the proper team winning. So who says history doesn't repeat itself. It sure looks like it does to me.
Well whats a post without a card. The choice of who to feature wasn't tough. I chose Syndergaard aka Thor due to his performance in game 3 and only being 23. Hopefully the Mets hold onto this guy cause not only can he throw gas up in the triple digits but he also has some pretty good secondary pitches. I believe I showed off this dual auto relic before, but I figured I'd show it off again due to his sweet performance in last nights game.
Here's to history repeating itself some more
The first pitch of the game by Syndergaard was a head high heater a bit inside but not directly at Escobar. The Royals took offense instantly to the pitch being Syndergaard said earlier he had a game plan. Then he followed up with a curveball down and away. Hosmer said "When one of your teammates gets [a pitch] thrown at his head, it's not going to go over well, I think everyone was upset about it. It's the only location he missed all night by that far. No one in here is stupid. Everyone knows what was said, and everybody knows what was done." Now I guess the Royals have another team to be pissed off at they can add to their list. Here is the pitch location so the Royals can get their panties out of a bunch and wonder what your opinions are of the pitch. From the chart below it looks like it may have touched the front edge of the batters box. I was fine with the pitch it wasn't directly at his head or ear it was above his head and thought it was just good ol baseball being Escobar has been swinging and hitting every first pitch pretty much. Syndergaards reaction after the game from hearing the Royals didn't like me was priceless. It was pretty much if they don't like it they know where to find me and thats 60'6" from the plate. He also admitted he had no intentions of hitting Escobar in his post game press conference.
The interesting thing is that the Mets open up 2016 in Kansas City for 2 games so I'm sure there will be some sort of retaliation at that time being Hosmer said they'll just file this incident away till a later time being they're trying to win a championship.
Well if you read my last post you would have known that the Mets have lost the first 2 games of the series by the same exact margin as the 1986 Mets who won the Series in 7 games. Well game 3 showed that history does repeat itself and the Mets won game 3 in 1986 and this year by 6 runs. So far every game this year has had the winning margin the same as 1986 with the proper team winning. So who says history doesn't repeat itself. It sure looks like it does to me.
Well whats a post without a card. The choice of who to feature wasn't tough. I chose Syndergaard aka Thor due to his performance in game 3 and only being 23. Hopefully the Mets hold onto this guy cause not only can he throw gas up in the triple digits but he also has some pretty good secondary pitches. I believe I showed off this dual auto relic before, but I figured I'd show it off again due to his sweet performance in last nights game.
Here's to history repeating itself some more
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Lets Go Mets and Ya Gotta Believe
Well after losing Game 1 of the World Series as they did. I was curious to see how the Mets responded in Game 2 which didn't go so well either. Hopefully they were just emotionally drained from Game 1 which was a tremendous game and I'm not signaling the worry alarm just yet. More on that later in the post.
Up first I was hit with another PWE from Jeff over at 2 by 3 heroes about a month ago. With my work schedule and having two little ones I've been hard pressed lately to sit down and find some time to do a blog post. The biggest obstacle/reason is I work midnight's. So from the time I wake up till I leave for work my time is spent with my family. Rarely do I have a free afternoon from the kids or trying to do work/projects around the house. So that's why my posts have tailed off quite a bit these past few months. Hopefully I can get into a routine of snapping some photos and busting out a post while at work a couple days a week. One project I need to get into but its not at the top of my list is organizing my collection and dispersing some of my unwanted or non collected cards to free up some room.
Well enough rambling lets get to what Jeff sent over my way.
First up is two Hall of Fame pitchers in Pedro Martinez and Tom Seaver.
Next up are two shiny cards. Who doesn't like shiny new things? Especially when they are in the form of baseball cards of your favorite team. First up was a shiny David Wright out of Prizm and next up was a Zack Wheeler decked out in some pink chrome.
Thanks again Jeff for the sweet PWE
Well the reason I'm not signaling the worry alarm just yet is that back when the Mets won their last World Series they did so in similar fashion in going down 2-0 to the Red Sox before winning it in 7 games. Its so similar that the Mets lost the first game by 1 run and in game 2 to lost by 6 although they were at home and not on the road in 1986. So lets see what happens. Kansas City is a phenomenal team who just doesn't quit and just keeps hitting the ball somehow. Here's hoping the rest of the games are like game 1, but with the Mets winning of course.
Lets Go Mountaineers!!
Up first I was hit with another PWE from Jeff over at 2 by 3 heroes about a month ago. With my work schedule and having two little ones I've been hard pressed lately to sit down and find some time to do a blog post. The biggest obstacle/reason is I work midnight's. So from the time I wake up till I leave for work my time is spent with my family. Rarely do I have a free afternoon from the kids or trying to do work/projects around the house. So that's why my posts have tailed off quite a bit these past few months. Hopefully I can get into a routine of snapping some photos and busting out a post while at work a couple days a week. One project I need to get into but its not at the top of my list is organizing my collection and dispersing some of my unwanted or non collected cards to free up some room.
Well enough rambling lets get to what Jeff sent over my way.
First up is two Hall of Fame pitchers in Pedro Martinez and Tom Seaver.
Next up are two shiny cards. Who doesn't like shiny new things? Especially when they are in the form of baseball cards of your favorite team. First up was a shiny David Wright out of Prizm and next up was a Zack Wheeler decked out in some pink chrome.
Thanks again Jeff for the sweet PWE
Well the reason I'm not signaling the worry alarm just yet is that back when the Mets won their last World Series they did so in similar fashion in going down 2-0 to the Red Sox before winning it in 7 games. Its so similar that the Mets lost the first game by 1 run and in game 2 to lost by 6 although they were at home and not on the road in 1986. So lets see what happens. Kansas City is a phenomenal team who just doesn't quit and just keeps hitting the ball somehow. Here's hoping the rest of the games are like game 1, but with the Mets winning of course.
Lets Go Mountaineers!!
Thursday, October 15, 2015
YA Gotta Believe
First off I thought the Mets were another year away from making the playoffs, but will gladly take making it a year early. I forgot what playoff baseball was like when it's your team. The last 2 years sure I cheered/rooted for the Pirates being they're the "local" team, but not my team. Now that the Mets are in it the other sports have taken a back seat to the playoffs. Sure I'll watch college football or the NFL, but if the Mets are on that's what's on the TV.
Of course game 2 has the drama of the Utley slide which affected the game by allowing them to score the go ahead runs after that play. Game 3 just saw the Mets bats unleash some offensive power. Game 4 was just Kershaw being filthy.
So here we are game 5 of the series pitting deGrom vs Greinke for the winner to face off against the Cubs. Do the Miracle Mets have another victory left in them or is this the end of it. The Mets have never lost a 5 game series in franchise history so will we see history repeat itself. I sure hope so. I'm sure it'll be all hands on deck for both teams if either starter struggles with so much on the line.
Do we see another bat flip from Cespedes or another homer from Murphy or does another player step up that's been quite since the playoffs began. Do we see Duda finally tee off like he's capable of? Does Wright come up clutch like game 1? Or does Flores have another feather to place in his hat from almost being traded at the deadline? Or will it be someone else like Conforto, Granderson, or dArnaud. Time will tell but here's hoping the Mets march on to the NLCS.
Here's a card that I picked up recently for cheap of Wilmer Flores who may be Game 5s hero or will he be the next target of an Utley takeout tackle. The card is from this years Triple Threads numbered /25.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Another eBay pickup
This post was written a few weeks ago, but I decided to give a brief update.
Well the Mets are limping into the playoffs in losing 5 straight and being no hit for the second time this season, which is the first time in history of the franchise that they have been no hit twice in a season. Also, they had a goal of 90 wins this year. Well as about 2 plus weeks ago I was saying theyll hit that an maybe even pass it. After the past week it looks like they may be stuck at 89.
My eBaying has ticked up a bit with a bunch of Mets in releases so there should be some more cards to show off in the near future. Plus I got the PWE again from Jeff over at 2 by 3 heroes which hopefully wont take me a month or more to post the goods.
Well here are some more pickups from Diamond Kings. This time it is a Dilson Herrera mini and a Prizm auto. They were both picked up for under 7 bucks including shipping. Maybe he'll take over 2nd for Murphy whos been questionable at times in his ability at defense and turning the double play.
Well the Mets are limping into the playoffs in losing 5 straight and being no hit for the second time this season, which is the first time in history of the franchise that they have been no hit twice in a season. Also, they had a goal of 90 wins this year. Well as about 2 plus weeks ago I was saying theyll hit that an maybe even pass it. After the past week it looks like they may be stuck at 89.
My eBaying has ticked up a bit with a bunch of Mets in releases so there should be some more cards to show off in the near future. Plus I got the PWE again from Jeff over at 2 by 3 heroes which hopefully wont take me a month or more to post the goods.
Well here are some more pickups from Diamond Kings. This time it is a Dilson Herrera mini and a Prizm auto. They were both picked up for under 7 bucks including shipping. Maybe he'll take over 2nd for Murphy whos been questionable at times in his ability at defense and turning the double play.
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Saturday, September 12, 2015
eBay Pickup
With all the is going on I haven't had much time to get on eBay.
I have seen some of this years Diamond Kings and really like the mini Relics and have picked up 2 so far. Their are a bunch of cards on my watch list that I would love to have if I had unlimited funds or I was single again and didn't have kids.
I picked up this Travis d'Arnaud mini relic a few weeks ago for pretty cheap
I have seen some of this years Diamond Kings and really like the mini Relics and have picked up 2 so far. Their are a bunch of cards on my watch list that I would love to have if I had unlimited funds or I was single again and didn't have kids.
I picked up this Travis d'Arnaud mini relic a few weeks ago for pretty cheap
Well the Mets are 6.5 up with about 10 games left and looking to limp into the playoffs and currently have a magic number of 5 to eliminate the Nationals. Especially after going 3 and 6 against the Marlins Braves and Yankees. Luckily the Nationals are sucking too at this point and not helping their cause in chasing down the Mets. I'd say Matt Williams I'll be dismissed or relieved of his duties come this off season.
They are playing for home field advantage against the Dodgers who id much rather face away from the friendly shadows of Chavez Ravine.
I've Been a Bad Bad Blogger
Well you're probably asking yourselves what did he do to have a title like that??
I've been busy with summer vacations, family stuff, work, and a bunch of other small things that have kept me from posting on my blog. I do still read and look daily at the blogs and applaud those that can post daily or there a bouts.
I finally found some free time to try and get some posts in the pipeline.
This first one is courtesy of Jeff over at 2 by 3 Heroes who I owe a huge apology for not posting about this awesome PWE that came my way. Granted I emailed Jeff shortly after I received it to acknowledge how awesome the cards were, but that is still no excuse to let as much time elapse as I did. I just looked at the envelope and it is dated at the end of June.....JUNE that is almost 3 months ago which is way to long to go without posting. MY APOLOGIES JEFF. I should have found some free time to snap some photos and put together a post while at work or while I had some down time at work via breaks, but lets get this show on the road and get to the goods.
First up is The Franchise or Tom Terrific or you may know him as Tom Seaver.
Next up is is current Hall of Famer Pedro Martinez, ex Mets Carlos Beltran who's still looking at Adam Wainwrights curveball and Ike Davis, along with current Mets player Daniel Murphy in some shiny Chrome
The Highlights of this PWE are these two beauties. One of current Mets closer Familia and the other of Mister Gold Glover Juan Lagares. Familia has filled in quite nicely as the closer and has probably cemented himself in that role for awhile being he has been pretty reliable and nasty at the same time. This Familia is numbered out of /99 and if I remember correctly it is the snow camo or something of that sort parallel from this years Topps. Juan has been dealing with some elbow issues since the beginning of the season and was even told to limit his throwing from the outfield as not to do further damage, but now he has been relegated to the bench due the the nice acquisition of Cespedes who has been tearing it up lately offensively. Juan does come in late in the games as a defensive specialist replacing rookie Conforto who has also been tearing it up since being called up from Double A. I love this Gypsy Queen of Juan and I also have the parallel version numbered to /50 as well
It'll be interesting to see what the Mets do with their outfiled this offseason being I can't see Conforto being sent down and the Mets just amended Cespedes contract where they can negotiate with him like all other clubs and removed the clause where they only had 5 days from the end of the World Series to negotiate with him. I would love to see the Mets resign Cespedes but his payday is going to be a pretty penny and I dont see the Mets offering up the money to keep him plus all the young arms they have.
The Mets currently have and 8.5 game lead on the Nationals with 21 Games left, but I'm not counting on anything being the collapses of 2007 and 2008.
Jeff thanks again
I've been busy with summer vacations, family stuff, work, and a bunch of other small things that have kept me from posting on my blog. I do still read and look daily at the blogs and applaud those that can post daily or there a bouts.
I finally found some free time to try and get some posts in the pipeline.
This first one is courtesy of Jeff over at 2 by 3 Heroes who I owe a huge apology for not posting about this awesome PWE that came my way. Granted I emailed Jeff shortly after I received it to acknowledge how awesome the cards were, but that is still no excuse to let as much time elapse as I did. I just looked at the envelope and it is dated at the end of June.....JUNE that is almost 3 months ago which is way to long to go without posting. MY APOLOGIES JEFF. I should have found some free time to snap some photos and put together a post while at work or while I had some down time at work via breaks, but lets get this show on the road and get to the goods.
First up is The Franchise or Tom Terrific or you may know him as Tom Seaver.
Next up is is current Hall of Famer Pedro Martinez, ex Mets Carlos Beltran who's still looking at Adam Wainwrights curveball and Ike Davis, along with current Mets player Daniel Murphy in some shiny Chrome
The Highlights of this PWE are these two beauties. One of current Mets closer Familia and the other of Mister Gold Glover Juan Lagares. Familia has filled in quite nicely as the closer and has probably cemented himself in that role for awhile being he has been pretty reliable and nasty at the same time. This Familia is numbered out of /99 and if I remember correctly it is the snow camo or something of that sort parallel from this years Topps. Juan has been dealing with some elbow issues since the beginning of the season and was even told to limit his throwing from the outfield as not to do further damage, but now he has been relegated to the bench due the the nice acquisition of Cespedes who has been tearing it up lately offensively. Juan does come in late in the games as a defensive specialist replacing rookie Conforto who has also been tearing it up since being called up from Double A. I love this Gypsy Queen of Juan and I also have the parallel version numbered to /50 as well
It'll be interesting to see what the Mets do with their outfiled this offseason being I can't see Conforto being sent down and the Mets just amended Cespedes contract where they can negotiate with him like all other clubs and removed the clause where they only had 5 days from the end of the World Series to negotiate with him. I would love to see the Mets resign Cespedes but his payday is going to be a pretty penny and I dont see the Mets offering up the money to keep him plus all the young arms they have.
The Mets currently have and 8.5 game lead on the Nationals with 21 Games left, but I'm not counting on anything being the collapses of 2007 and 2008.
Jeff thanks again
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Nothing like some drama to start the weekend off.
I'm talking to you Scott Boras and Matt Harvey.
Who has had some pretty interesting headlines in the NY Daily News and Post. Now being called The Dork Knight and Harvey Dent/Two Face and Harvey Pulls a 180 to ACE HOLE!!(nice play on words)
Now this is coming from the guy who wanted to pitch a year ago at the end of the year and his agent and Alderson said wait till this year. Then he whined and cried when the Mets said we are going to a six man rotation to preserve innings. And now he pulls this BULLSHIT with a just about a month left that he has a cap of 180 innings after the Mets tried to cut back his innings and he bitched and moaned.
I know one thing the next 3 games are huge for the Mets being they're against the Nationals and having lost 2 of 3 to Marlins and having their lead cut down to 4 in the NL EAST. I hope this isn't collapse 3.0 for the Mets who haven't seen the post season since 2006. The next few games can turn the ship around or cause an all out panic if the Mets get swept.
Plus it'll be interesting to see how this whole Harvey innings limit pans out. Mets are saying they had a soft limit of about 190 innings not including post season that everyone was on board with at the beginning of the year.
I know one thing is if the Mets make the playoffs he better pitch or things will be really fun to see. Like he's been saying all along he wants the ball and you have to rip it out of his hands. Well live up to what you say.
Some people are saying that it shouldn't be about innings count but more about pitch count. If that's the case he's sitting and just above 2400 pitches for the year and compared to another Borass client Strausburg was around 2800 or 2900 pitches when he was shut down when the Nats made the playoffs his first full year back and he didn't play at all in the post season
Sorry no cards this post but have some stuff that I need to get scanned so I can get some posts done that are way over due.
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Yes.....I am Still Here and a Black Bears Game
I am still here reading and catching up on blogs. My time for posting however is cut short due to summer vacations and having 2 boys at home who occupy a bunch of my time.
First off thanks Jeff for the PWE which that post will be appearing in the near future due to time constraints and not having snapped some photos of what he included.
Well last Friday(7/24) was my birthday and what better way to celebrate it than at a baseball game with the family. I missed the series of the Brooklyn Cyclones due to it being a midweek game and I work overnights so it just didn't work out. I did however see them play the Staten Island Yankees. Which the Blackbears won.
The best part of the night had to be for me seeing my 2 boys ages 3 and 5(2 weeks from 6) face and enjoyment they got out of the game. Plus they each ended up with a foul ball per say. The first one was from BP that was over in the grassy area that you'll see down below in a photo and the other one that's a story in itself.
The second ball was thrown from the visitors dugout. Some of the opposing players were throwing balls to kids in the stands and my oldest wasn't seen so a very loud gentleman who was rooting for the Yankees a few rows back got the attention of the player and pointed to my son. Low and behold the player grabbed a ball and threw it to the said gentleman who walked it down to him and as my son said Thanks he asked my son if he was a Yankees fan and he said no I'm a Mets fan like my dad. The gentlemans reaction was disbelief and kidded with my boy to give him the ball back.
Here a few pictures.
Me and the boys
The first ball after being auto'd by the BlackBears mascot "Cooper" who has a tough time signing autos with bear paws for hand.
Hopefully the Mets are playing some meaningful baseball from here on out and sweep the Nationals to tie them for first place this weekend.
How bout WILMER FLORES going from thinking he's traded to WALKING IT OFF with a HR Friday night against the Nationals in the bottom of the 12th.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Let's see what happened and was popular in 1993 shall we.
NAFTA became law
Blue Jays won the Series
Jurassic Park
Mrs Doubtfire
Bridget Fonda
Liv Tyler
Top 20 songs
Last time the Mets were NO HIT. Congratulations to Rookie Chris Heston on the first no no of the year and of his career. Hopefully it's another 20 plus years till the Mets have it happen to them again. I believe this is the 6 or 7th time they have been no hit.
I know I've been lacking in the posting department but I have been reading and skimming the the posts and the boards almost daily. I'm hoping and wanting to post more often but life has been keeping me busy. No complaints here though
Since my last post I attended the shellacking Matt Harvey took at PNC against the Pirates with my wife and oldest son. He was into but didn't really like the drunk Yinzer a few rows behind us screaming an yelling the whole time his own made up Harvey polka song. But other than that it was good and the people around us were all pleasant and enjoyable and were perturbed by the same guy. Here are some pictures from that day.
The 7 Line outing more on them in another post
I've been keeping an eye on cards and have only purchased one recently from this years museum which was a beauty of a quad relic.
I am hoping to add the Pedro piazza degrom darnaud one next.
Hopefully the Mets can get healthy and stay neck and neck with the Nationals. Missing wright and darnaud has definitely hurt. I believe darnaud is due back today so at least that's one of plus now if we can get wright and or Murphy back I'd feel a lot better but pleased they are holding their own with the hand they've been dealt.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
For some you probably knew what this title was about and for the rest it's the debut of Noah Syndergaard whose nickname is Thor and can understand why once you see him being he stands 6'6". I decided to use the Norwegian name for his hammer so that's where the title came from. The Mets top pitching prospect that was part of the RA Dickey trade from Toronto along with Travis d'Arnaud.
Hopefully he can have a stellar debut and become a big piece of the starting rotation with the likes of Harvey, deGrom, and Wheeler. He struggled a little bit last year in the Pacific Coast League but seems to have found a groove this year. He has a1.82 era and a 34/8 k/b ratio over 29 2/3 innings. In his last start he struck out 8 in 8 innings and fell a triple shy of hitting for the cycle. He's also batting .455 this year. While I don't expect that average to be anywheres near that at this level it is nice to see a pitcher who can hit.
Well Hopefull he can right the Mets ship after they dropped the first came if the series to the Cubs last night. Here is a picture I pulled off the MLB at bat app and an inception relic auto that I picked up some time ago and I'll let you decide for yourself if he resembles Thor.
Friday, May 8, 2015
Another eBay Pickup
Quick post today.
Still working a ton and haven't had much time for cards. It'll probably continue like that for the foreseeable future too. I need to do some projects around the house being the weather has finally broke. In doing so and working so much that means I have to make a sacrifice somewhere and unfortunately that means my cards and acquisitions of cards will suffer. My days pretty much consist of sleep house projects work and tee ball games in no particular order. I'll still read the blogs everyday and post when I have time. I also think a majority of this summer is spoken for with plans an vacations too.
Now I still have a few cards in the pipeline from ebay to show and continually browse ebay very quickly when time allows to see if I can score any deals. Pretty much lately the deals have been pretty few and far between in the Mets stuff. The card that I chose for this post is an on card auto that I picked up shortly after the realse of this years Gypsy Queen. If I remember correctly this is the silver framed parrallel number out of 50. I can say so far Juan Lagares is living up to his Gold Glove award for CF and has made some pretty sweet plays so far this year. Here's the card in all its glory and I think it only set me back about 10 bucks shipped and I believe this is only his second certified auto and the first being out of this years series 1.
I like gypsy queen as a set but hate how the SPs are mixed in with the base set. I wish they would go along the likes of archives and put the SPs at the end of the base set. Jury is still out on this years set of ill chase it or not being I haven't seen a single base card in person.
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Well Well Well
Just got home from a few hours of work and flipped on what channel? MLB Network of course to catch some of the highlights from yesterday's games.
How bout that video selfie by the Dodgers fan catching the HR ball.
How bout 2 games ending via baserunners being struck by batted balls. Giants beat the Angels and Dodgers beat the Diamondbacks. Last time a game ended that way was 5 yrs ago.
Well the Mets loss to the Nationals 1-0 Saturday and it was the first time they've been shut out all year I believe. Well as I was typing this post it came across the ticker that the Mets were the last NL team this year to be shutout. At least they're scoring and hitting this year so far. Kinda curious what they do with the middle infield situation. Flores definitely has had some issues and I expected some errors but not to the frequency he's making them. Same goes for Murphy. I do believe the Mets middle infielders have a combine error total of 16 which leads all of baseball. SMH. At least Juan Lagares is still flashing the gold glove leather still this year.
Well hopefully the Mets can pull off a victory today and split the 4 game series with the Nationals and keep their lead in the NL east.
Ok ok enough about crazy POV HR catching selfies and quirky stats. It's time to show off a card. The card I selected is this 2014 Fivestar silver signatures of Zack Wheeler. Picked this one up pretty cheap being he's another pitcher to undergo Tommy John surgery. Was expecting his continued success this year after last and hopefully this little detour/roadblock doesn't prohibit or hinder him. Well enough my my rambling and babbling here is the card.
Lets Go Mountaineers!!
Saturday, May 2, 2015
I Took it Easy on Them
Well today I had some free time and made it to the post office. So if you live in the following zip codes keep an eye on your mailboxes.
I've been keeping an eye on ebay trying to acquire some new Mets stuff. I have been able to get some new stuff and have found sound deals on stuff that is a few years old.
Here's a triple threads from last years set of David Wright that I was able to pick up a few weeks ago for pretty cheap. Curious to see how he performs once he comes back from the DL. I'm hoping his offensive performance can get back on track after two down years.
Friday, May 1, 2015
Help it's the Attack of the PWE and a Group Break
Well as most of you can guess from the title that this post will feature some cards via a Plain White Envelope and the one that seems to keep bombing me is the gracious Jeff from over at 2 x 3 heroes.
First let me pimp a Nachos Grande break. This break features a box of 2015 Gypsy Queen, Museum, Opening Day, Museum, Bowman Chrome, and Draft Kings. So head on over to here and check out the teams remaining. Still a bunch of good teams left Dodgers, Yankees, White Sox
Now we return to are regularly scheduled post. Jeff from over at 2x3 Heroes sent me 2 PWEs, one fairly recently and the other a few weeks back that I've been meaning to post. Well life got into the way and I've combined the 2 into 1. He sent a bunch of nice stuff an color and below is just a small sample of what he sent.
First up is a first career HR manu relic of David Wright from this years Series 1 and who looks to be coming off the DL in the very near future.
Next up is some shine of Matt Den Dekker with the Nationals and a prospect of Camarena who I don't know much about.
Continuing with the shine is some beautiful purple Heritage of the 2 big arms of Harvey and deGrom which is out of 566 if my memory serves me correctly along with Cesar Puello who has cleared waivers an is still with the Mets.
Thanks for the PWEs Jeff and be on the lookout for a envelope headed your way in the next few days.
Friday, April 24, 2015
Thanks Off Hiatus
Been busy with work and it looks like that'll continue for a good bit longer and add in T-ball practices and games and just general life stuff I rarely have much free time. At least I have MLB at bat lite that I can listen to the games to pass some of the time while I'm slaving away at night working.
I've been so busy that I forgot to post this and snap some quick photos of what the wonderful Tony from Off Hiatus sent my way about a month or so ago. He knocked off every one of my base needs from the 2012 archives set needs and knocked off 4 or 5 of the SPs as well. I was hoping one of those was the Bryce Harper but no such luck. Thanks Tony and I apologize again and will try to find some Brewers stuff to send your way.
Check out my set needs via the link to the right. Or if your too lazy to move your mouse pointer over that way you can CLICK HERE instead if you wish. I still need to update it with the custom minis I plan on chasing from Munnatawket Minis
Being this post somehow got lost or shuffled to the back burner by everything from work and life happenings to running the contest. I figured I'd include that I was up the other night till about 3am getting packages together for the contest winners and some other packages that I told people that id be sending their way. So be on the lookout for packages late next week or by the beginning of the following week. I plan on making a postal run Thursday at the latest being I should have some free to head over that way. All in all I believe I have 7 packages to be sent out all across North America from the East coast to the West Coast and from Tecas to Canada and some points in between.
Well what's a post without a card. Here is 2014 Tribute auto of the latest Mets pitcher to go under the knife for Tommy John surgery. I picked this card up about a month ago for pretty cheap and having been keeping an eye out to see if I can get some deals on his and other Mets players too. I think I will be staying away from this years tribute with the debacle that they've had with auto'd smudging and smearing.
Also I'm kind of hesitant to post on the blog being the Mets have an Amazin win streak going on and are heading cross town this weekend to play the Yankees. I was excited this year being I thought the Mets would compete but I'll take this being they're exceeding my expectations and giving themselves a nice cushion amongst the other NL East teams to weather the storms of a long season. I'm just glad they finally have some depth to ride out the injury bug unlike years past.
Friday, April 17, 2015
My First Completed Set
I've had this post done for about 2 weeks now but just got it published being busy with work and life. I do have some PWEs from Jedi Jeff to catch up on and a package that Tony from Off Hiatus sent my way to take care of my 2012 Archives base needs. Now all thats left is SPs. Whoever wants to send the Bryce Harper SSP rookie card feel free too being it goes for around $200 last I looked. So I guess I'll have a completed set minus that card. It also looks like I will be able to finalize a bunch of packages in the next week and get out the giveaway goods in the next week or so. Just need a few more days and time to get everything caught up an put together. I apologize for the delay.
I just recently completed the 2013 Triple Threads Amethyst Set. It is the first set that I've completed in a long time. I bought 2 boxes of the stuff probably about a year ago and decided I was going to go after the Amethyst parallels from the 2 boxes. I figured I might as well chase the Amethyst set instead of the base. It has a nice variety of current stars and retired players also.
I ended up getting some of the cards via eBay lots for a pretty good price that I needed and Matt from over at Bob Walk the Plank hooked me up with a few too. The last 15 or so cards were purchased via COMC for well under a buck card on average. The most expensive and hardest to find card was the Puig rookie card.
Well enough rambling about the set here it is in all its glory and check out my other set needs over on the right hand side. I do need to update it to reflect that I am chasing the Munnatawket minis set that looks like Ginter.
Here is the set in all its glory in wonderful 9 pocket pages. Anyone care to take a guess what team an player is featured on the last card.
Here is a copy of the link to the where all of my completed sets will be. As of now that is the only set that I have completed to date so CLICK HERE to view the 100 card set.
Monday, April 13, 2015
And the Winners are.....
Sorry for the delay 4 min delay neighbor had to borrow the lawn mower.
Well this post his happening in the bottom of the 7th with the Mets having a 1-0 lead.
After all the entries their was a total of 22 comments and two people pimped the blog so their was a total of 24 names entered into the random.org generator. Without further wait lets see who the three winners are .....
And the last and final click
Oh sorry for this commerical interruption while I make my way down to pick up our son from school. I'll be right back but let me click the button before I leave so I'll have the results when I get back
Sorry for the delay.
Well it looks like Jedi Jeff gets first choice followed by Fuji and then finally Daniel Wilson. Please leave a comment on this post. Here is a link to your CHOICES
Thanks for all who entered and stayed tuned for other giveaways through out the season.
Well Friday saw the release of Museum and the Mets this year are well represented in the product and looks like I have a few new autos and relics to chase.
Just a Quick Update
Looks like their was 22 people entered into the giveaway. I wrote down all the names and gave credit for pimp post. I will double check quickly this afternoon to make sure my tired eyes didn't miss or forget anyone being its about 2am Monday morning and I'll be at work for a few more hours. I will enter the names into the randomizer and click it 3 times being that is how many games the Mets have won this year. If by chance their game is over by the time I do it I will add a click if they win. Their will also be 3 winners for the same reason and will pick in the order provided by random.org and again if the Mets game is over by the time I do this I'll add the fourth.
So Good Luck and winners should be announced on the blog by 5pm.
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